ECERDC Meterai Perjanjian Program Ternak Kambing
6/14/2010 -- BERNAMA
Majlis Pembangunan Wilayah Ekonomi Pantai Timur (ECERDC) memeterai perjanjian kerjasama dengan Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar dan Institut Penyelidikan dan Kemajuan Pertanian Malaysia (MARDI) untuk bersama-sama membangunkan program penternakan kambing di Terengganu.
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif ECERDC Datuk Jebasingam Issace John berkata objektif utama program itu ialah untuk mewujudkan pengeluaran kambing secara sistematik serta mampan dari segi ekonomi dan juga untuk membantu meningkatkan pendapatan penternak.
"Menerusi kerjasama ini, satu industri pembangunan komersil kambing di ECER akan dipercepatkan menerusi satu pendekatan berintegrasi yang merangkumi aktiviti huluan dan hiliran, dan juga sebagai pelengkap industri halal berasaskan makanan di wilayah itu," kata Jebasingam.
"Pada masa yang sama, projek ini juga akan memainkan peranan utama dalam pembangunan modal insan bagi para peladang ternak dan mereka yang mempunyai kepentingan dalam industri dalam ECER," kata beliau dalam satu kenyataan hari Isnin.
Pemeteraian perjanjian itu, yang termasuk satu perjanjian komersil dengan Terengganu Agrotech Development Corporation Sdn Bhd (TADC), disaksikan oleh Menteri Besar Terengganu Datuk Ahmad Said.
Di bawah perjanjian itu ECERDC akan menyediakan infrastruktur yang diperlukan bagi Pembiakan Kambing Kuala Berang dan Pusat Inovasi di Ulu Tersat sementara Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar akan menyediakan kepakaran veterinari dan MARDI akan menjalankan dan melaksanakan kesemua aktiviti pembiakan dan penyelidikan pembangunan.
Jebasingam berkata di bawah perjanjian itu, TADC akan mengendalikan ladang itu secara komersil di Pembiakan Kambing Kuala Berang dan Pusat Inovasi.
"Pembinaan pusat itu dijadualkan bermula pada Ogos tahun ini, dan dijangka siap menjelang 2012," kata beliau.
"Kami menetapkan sasaran pengeluaran 12,620 kambing Boer dalam tempoh lima tahun, dan sebagai permulaan, ECERDC akan menyediakan 530 kambing pembiak baka asli kepada Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar yang akan menyerahkan baka-baka itu kepada TADC bagi tujuan pembiakan dan 1,590 kambing lagi bagi ladang komersil itu," katanya.
Jebasingam berkata Projek Penternakan Kambing ECER itu telah dikenal pasti sebagai salah satu inisiatif di bawah Pelan Induk ECER untuk membangunkan industri pengeluaran kambing yang efisen, saksama dan berterusan di wilayah itu.
"Projek ini telah pun menarik beberapa pelabur asing yang berminat untuk memenuhi keperluan jaminan makanan negara masing-masing.
Sub-kluster kambing ECER juga dberkait rapat dengan industri halal wilayah itu, kerana ia menyediakan input bagi hab-hab halal dalam ECER," kata beliau.
Jebasingam optimis bahawa dalam tempoh lima tahun, ECERDC akan membangunkan 35 ladang dengan gabungan jumlah kambing sebanyak 36,000 ekor yang akan menghasilkan 216 tan metrik daging kambing.
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Steady income for hardcore poor from sheep-rearing
6/10/2010 -- The Star
Ten hardcore poor participants are now earning RM1,000 monthly through their involvement in sheep-rearing full-time under the East Coast Economic Region Development Council’s (ECERDC) Agropolitan Pekan project.
ECERDC chief executive officer Datuk Jebasingam Issace John said the project’s pioneer participants of 30 orang asli families who were working part time on sheep farms were seeing an average monthly income of RM600.
He was briefing members of the Implementation and Coordination Committee (ICC) on the progress of projects under the East Coast Economic Region (ECER) development masterplan at a state-level ICC meeting here on Tuesday.
“About 100 hardcore poor families within the area will be relocated to new homes in Batu 8, Lepar by end of September. The houses are currently in the advanced stage of construction.
“Another 200 houses will be built in September for Agropolitan Pekan project participants who will be working in the nearby oil palm plantation. Construction is expected to be completed by September next year,” he said.
John also told the committee that ECERDC had been entrusted by the Government to undertake the conservation of Lake Chini, with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) already appointed as the project consultant.
He said the council had been working closely with the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry as well as the state government to undertake the conservation initiatives since February.
“The measures include installing water quality and hydrology monitoring stations.
“Other plans will involve developing a fish-breeding nursery, constructing a research lab complex, replanting trees and cleaning up polluted rivers in nearby areas,” he said.
As for Kuantan Port City, he said work on the main infrastructure was going well with the water-pipe installation works in Gebeng industrial areas already completed in February.
The construction of Panching water treatment plant (Phase 1) was expected to commence next month, he said, adding that the infrastructure design works for Phase 2 of the Pekan-Peramu Automotive Industrial Park (AIP) project were also expected to commence in July.
The construction of Panching water treatment plant (Phase 1) was expected to commence next month, he said, adding that the infrastructure design works for Phase 2 of the Pekan-Peramu Automotive Industrial Park (AIP) project were also expected to commence in July.
On the human capital development programme, John said that almost 390 participants and over 30 companies in Pahang had registered under ECERDC’s Graduate Placement Opportunity (GPO) programme.
“About 1,000 participants from more than 30 companies have registered for the Employee Placement Programme (EPP), a job-matching programme.
“A total of 405 participants have been employed by participating companies,” he said.
“As for its Skills Training Programme (STP), almost 1,000 participants were now undergoing various types of skill courses in six training centres in the state,” he added.